Facilities Use Agreement
RESPONSIBILITIES FOR USE OF FACILITIES: Requests for facilities usage should be submitted at least thirty (30) days prior to the event but not more than one hundred eighty (180) days prior to the event. School activities will be given first priority for the use of school facilities. Dates of availability may be changed to accommodate school activities. (District personnel will not be held responsible for changes in the schedule which may affect availability.) The group or organization agrees to comply with District Policy #1500. In using the facilities of Dansville Central Schools you agree to (upon request):
1. Adhere to the District's Policies on Student Harassment and Bullying Prevention and Intervention and Sexual Harassment.
2. Submit proof of current insurance coverage (SEE BELOW FOR SPECIFICATIONS). Requestor, Group, or Organization, will hold Dansville Central School District harmless for any claims by any person, partnership, corporation, or organization for injuries or damage to persons or property.
3. Pay for any damage to school equipment or real property.
4. Do not permit the selling, giving, or use of tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, or illegal drugs on or around school property. THERE IS NO SMOKING, TOBACCO USE, OR VAPING ON SCHOOL PROPERTY! VIOLATORS WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE THE PREMISES. Sponsors will be held responsible for the enforcement of this regulation.
5. Provide control of participants and audience to maintain order and restrict movement into areas not requested for use.
7. Pay an event fee and/or the costs for additional staff, which may be incurred by the District for the event.
a. Community-based organizations
Fees will be based on staffing needs for the event.
b. Outside organizations
Outdoor facility (new turf field & track, Ralph Clements Field, etc.) = $200 per event/contest
Indoor facility (gymnasium, pool, auditorium, etc.) = $175 per event/contest
Additional staff for indoor/outdoor facilities = $30/hour (per staff member)
8. Provide a list of names and numbers of chaperones upon request.
9. Provide a list of AED-certified personnel for building usage and/or AED-certified lifeguards to be on duty when pool usage is requested. Lifeguards must be registered with the pool safety program.
10. Limit parking to designated areas when parking on District property. Vehicles are prohibited from using the bus loop and service roads adjacent to the High School. The Primary School entrance should be used to access the physical education and athletics facility. Violators may be ticketed.
PERMITTED USES: District facilities may be used for the purposes listed below, subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth in this policy.
A. Instruction in any branch of education, learning, or the arts.
B. Public library purposes, subject to provisions of the Education Law, or as stations of public libraries.
C. Social, civic, religious, and recreational meetings and entertainments, or other uses pertaining to the welfare of the community so long as such uses are non-exclusive and open to the general public.
D. Meetings, entertainment, and occasions where admission fees are charged, when the proceeds are to be spent for an educational or charitable purpose.
E. Polling places for holding primaries and elections, for the registration of voters.
F. Civic forums and community centers.
G. Recreation, physical training, and athletics, including competitive athletic contests of children attending a private, nonprofit school.
H. Child-care programs when school is not in session, or when school is in session for the children of students attending schools of the district and if there is additional space available, for children of employees of the district.
I. Graduation exercises held by not-for-profit elementary, secondary, and post-secondary schools.
PROHIBITED USES: Any use not permitted by this policy is prohibited. In addition, the following uses are specifically prohibited.
A. Meetings sponsored by political organizations.
B. Meetings, entertainments, and occasions that are under the exclusive control of and the proceeds are to be applied for the benefit of a society, association, or organization of a religious sect or denomination or of a fraternal, secret, or exclusive society or organization, other than veterans' organizations or volunteer firefighters or volunteer ambulance workers.
LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: Use of district facilities will only be permitted where the organization provides the district timely evidence of adequate insurance coverage ($1,000,000 minimum) evidence of public liability insurance coverage of at least $1,000,000 with the District named as an Additional Insured from the organization using the field and evidence that the organization has Sexual Abuse and Molestation coverage of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate with the District named as an Additional Insured. to save the district harmless from all liability, property damage, personal injuries and/or medical expenses. The district will exercise complete and unreviewable discretion regarding what constitutes adequate insurance coverage for each proposed use.
EMERGENCY CLOSINGS: In the event of an emergency school closing due to inclement weather or an emergency of any nature, all activities scheduled for that day or evening are canceled. It will be the sole responsibility of any group or organization that has reserved any school facility to publicly announce the cancelation of their event. When the decision is made to close the school, announcements will be made as early as possible on the District's Facebook page, website, and the following news platforms: 93.9WDNY, WCJW, Channel 2 (WGRZ), Channel 8 (WROC), Channel 10 (WHEC), and Channel 13 (WHAM).