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Student Registration

To register your student, please fill out the appropriate documents attached below and return them to Carrie Tubbs by email or in the Primary School Office.

The following information is required to register your student (see attached letter below for more information).

1. Proof of Residency
2. Birth Certificate

Kindergarten Registration

Registration begins on March 1st for the next school year.  Please note your child must be 5 on or before December 1st to be eligible to attend kindergarten.    

3PK & PreK Registration

Registration begins on February 1st for the next school year with a lottery held on March 4th due to a limited number of slots. Parents are notified by letter after the lottery of their child's enrollment or wait list status.  Please note your child must be 3 on or before December 1st to be eligible to attend 3PK OR 4 on or before December 1st to be eligible to attend Pre-K. 

If you would like a packet emailed, please contact the Primary School Office.

Student Registration Documents for 2024-25:

Public Statement on Procedures and Requirements for Student Enrollment2024 DCSD Student Registration Packet for all Students

Forms for 3PK, 4PK and Kindergarten

3PK Questionnaire

Pre K Questionnaire

Kindergarten Questionnaire

Additional Form for Students in Grades 7 - 12

Additional Form for Registration of Students in Grades 7-12

You can request transportation by clicking on the button below which will take you to a Google Form you can complete online:

Click here for the 2024-25 DCSD Transportation Request Form